Our Vote is Our Voice
This political blog officially launched in late 2020 and is focused on issues important to Harris County residents. While the administrator is a moderate Democrat, this blog is independently operated and not affiliated with any political party or political action committee (PAC). This blog is also not part of the Harris County Democrats Association formed in 1953 by Mrs. Frankie Randolph and later led by Chairwoman Billie Carr. We are an independent blog and simply offer our candid, mainstream perspective to help the Democratic Party be successful. To avoid potential conflicts of interest, we do not sell political advertisements or accept contributions from any candidate, political party, or PAC.
For the 2024 election cycle, this website researched the political candidates that will appear on the Harris County Democratic primary ballot in contested races and then endorsed (see below) the candidates we believe will best serve the interests of all Harris County residents. We considered, as available, each candidate's record, experience, education, qualifications, priorities, stand on the issues, and articulated vision for the future. To gather this candidate profile data, our research included, as applicable, online searches, review of media reports, visiting each candidate's website, reviewing candidate questionnaires, listening to candidate interviews, and/or observing candidates in public meetings/events, etc. When candidate attributes appeared similar in a race, we preferred the more moderate (or centralist) Democrat who could appeal to more mainstream voters. If we failed to endorse a Democratic incumbent, we either identified troublesome issues (e.g. alleged scandals, incompetence, wasteful spending, mismanagement, etc.) and/or we were more impressed with the challenger.
Please SCROLL DOWN to view our candidate endorsements. We strongly urge you to consider these Democratic candidates when you make financial donations and cast your vote. Of note, in one of the most important local races, we strongly support Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg in her re-election campaign. While DA Ogg's commitment to public safety, crime victims, and rooting out government corruption has angered some local, scandal-plagued officials, we believe DA Ogg has served all Harris County residents well, especially those who live in historically underserved communities and often suffer the most from violent crime. Remember, for the 2024 primaries, early voting runs from Feb. 20 – March 1, and election day is on March 5, 2024.